Tangled Bamboo Tangled Bamboo Tangled Bamboo


Tangled Bamboo is the combination of clans of the founders of the site. Our traditional Navajo clans are a representation of our families' histories. As founders of this page, we dedicate the open sharing of tribal information and anything that contributes to the tribal communities.

Navajo Population

Tribal data is very rare to find online. In an effort to keep data flowing to the public this page has been created by Ramsey Seweingyawma. The content will consist of information available to the public. Certain pages such as Facebook links will be provided. If you have questions, or have an idea for either a visual or a database, please contact Ramsey through the Facebook Link or his personal e-mail: rsewein@icloud.com.


Each of the options above give information on where you can find helpful information about the Navajo Nation. Most of the links are used for data gathering and analysis by the creator.

Page Owners

Each of the options above give information on where you can find helpful information about the Navajo Nation. Most of the links are used for data gathering and analysis by the creator.

Tribal Blogs

Welcome to the blogging page of enrolled tribal members. The people contributing to this page have many links for you to follow. Each of the links are provided by individuals. You can click on their names to find their posts.

Elisha is a colleague and friend whom I met when we were both instructors at Navajo Technical University. She is working on a personal brand, and I try to support her every chance I get.

Nicholas is my brother. He is sharing his story about being a runner. Our family are all runners and it is a tradition that at least a few of us are runners. I don't run.

Joshua is a long-time friend and colleague. His wife writes an amazing blog. She shares life stories and pictures through her website.


Data is extremely rare to find on your own. Much of it is unfiltered or inaccessible. These are sites that are available to the public.

The main Navajo Nation government website. Images, links, and contact information for governing bodies for the Navajo Nation can be found here.

A webpage dedicated to numbers for population and land mass. Has tabs for maps of different layers including Agencies and Chapters. Viewable but not downloadable.

A tourist webpage to find locations of history on the Navajo Nation. Supported by the Navajo Nation government website. Very useful for planning a trip. Lots of resources for tourists.

TIGER/Line files that allow access to GIS data for mapping. A fact sheet can also be found here by year. Useful webpage for finding downloadable information for research and analysis.

TIGER/Line files that allow access to GIS data for mapping. A fact sheet can also be found here by year. Useful webpage for finding downloadable information for research and analysis.

An incredible site that breaks data from the US Census Bureau into summaries of multiple types of filters. You can search by city/town, industries, and so on.

Data available upon request. It may take some time and you will need to visit the office to obtain the data. Purchases are made with a check or money order payable to the Navajo Nation.

Navajo Nation COVID-19 Information

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak on the Navajo Nation, these sites are helpful in updating yourself and keepting track of daily data reports. Some of the information doesn't overlap correctly.

Use the minor navigation bar to jump to the area of interest.

Data dashboard created by Ramsey Seweingyawma. Contains a map of county data and various data visualization from data provided by multiple sources.

Official Navajo Nation data dashboard created by the Navajo Department of Health. Small table of total possible cases, total deaths, and total negative test results. Also includes a map of cases shading by Indian Health Services areas.


Official Indian Health Services data dashboard created by Indian Health Services. A simple table of total positive cases Indian Health Services areas across the US.


John Hopkins University of Medicine world tracking services for COVID-19 with a map to indicate countries, as well as US counties. Totals available here and updated daily.

Arizona Dashboards

Official Arizona State data dashboard created by the Arizona Department of Health Services. An overview of each county. Filters for data available including bed usage and availability and specific metrics. Map breaks the county down further into individual data tables. Interactpve.

Official Coconino County data dashboard created by Coconino County. Very helpful tables that break down the data into towns, age groups, ethnicity, gender, and case types.

Official Navajo County data dashboard created by Navajo County. Long scrolling page of information. The top features a quick update of total positive cases and last update. The map further along points out major towns and cities, but most importantly the Navajo Nation tribal numbers. Very helpful visuals that break down the data into total cases, total released from isolation, and age groups.

Apache County is the only Arizona County that does NOT host a data dashboard.

New Mexico Dashboards

Official New Mexico data dashboard created by the New Mexico Department of Health. An overview of each county. Visualizations along the left and right sides. Map breaks the county down further into individual data tables. Interactpve.

Utah Dashboards

Official Utah data dashboard created by the Utah Department of Health. An overview of each county. Map breaks the county down further into individual data tables. Interactpve.


Community group based in Flagstaff, AZ. Response team that helps commumities on the Navajo Nation get resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Main contact point is a Facebook Group (linked in buttpn).

Community group based in Northern Navajo Agency, which includes Shiprock. More than a hashtag, this group services areas located in the Nothern and Western Navajo Agencies. The founder is from Toneala,pAZ.

We Are Navajo is run by the Utah Navajo Health System, and designed in partnership with We R Native. Funding was provided by Indian Health Service (IHS) Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI), National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI), Utah Department Of Health (UDOH), and Utah Navajo Health System (UNpS).

Current Projects

Projects that are being developed and are at different points of completion. Much of these are ideas generated by the creators and hope to build on them in the future themselves or with others.

Husband Projects

Data dashboard created by Ramsey Seweingyawma. Contains a map of county data and various data visualization from data provided by multiple sources.

A quick look at all the maps and layers being developed using Leaflet.js

A storage space for new visuals and websites in development. Created to make quick deployments for examples and reference.

Heroku birthday countdown app. Built under the DevCamp projects.

Heroku property management app. Built under the DevCamp projects.

Heroku scheduler app. Built under the DevCamp projects.